Musing Mondays | July 1, 2013


MUSING MONDAYS… is a weekly event where MizB will ask a book/reading-related question, and you answer with your own thoughts on the topic.

I initially thought of not doing memes this week. If you look closely at the “Categories” section on the right sidebar you’d see that I have more memes than reviews. I don’t want this blog to focus too much on the memes.

But then, to hell with it. Haha!

Last week I only finished one book. ONE. Seven days and only one book! I knew that once university started my reading pace would slow down a bit but I didn’t expect it to be like it. In line with that, I decided to finally make a “blog calendar” where I plan all of my posts in one month, decide what book to review and when to post it. I’m not really good at meeting my own deadlines but I hope this works.

How about you, do you plan ahead what you will post in your blog or do you just open your browser and just type away whatever you feel like?

30 thoughts on “Musing Mondays | July 1, 2013

  1. I try not to let my blog be too much about memes either, but I’m starting to really like some of them. Especially Monday Musing, since it generates such good conversations!

    I’ve always marked my calendar with dates that I agree to review an ARC on, but I’ve just recently started planning a little more than that. I’m definitely not organized enough to plan a whole month in advance though! I might eventually like to be, but right now planning a week in advance is about the best I do πŸ™‚

    • I like musing mondays too because book bloggers can share their opinion about stuff πŸ˜€ i also stated with week to week planning but now that I’m busy with other stuff I have to be more organized to save time and keep this blog alive haha
      thanks for visiting πŸ™‚

  2. I used to wing it but last year I got more organized, and planned posts and scheduled in advance. It works really well for me.

    I don’t overplan and I don’t have a calendar or anything, but I do have a fairly clear plan of what I am going to cover in my blog each month. I found it makes blogging easier and saves time. I do sometimes miss that early spontaneity though 😦

    • i find it easier to have a calendar than just recall in my mind what i am supposed to post today or tomorrow.. i guess it works differently for different poeple πŸ˜€

  3. One book in seven days? What have you been doing, girlie? Slacking! How are you keeping sane? Ha ha, just kidding! I think it’s better not to force ourselves to a certain schedule (I’m being a hypocrite because I have a blog schedule and my July to September is overwhelming fully-booked already). I think reading should still be a hobby and should never be turned into something you force yourself to do (coming from someone who tries to finish so many reading challenges).

    You know what…just ignore me and do whatever you feel like doing! I’m no expert and I’m certainly not even following my own advice, ha ha. Oh well!

    Andrea K. @ Books and Bindings
    Musing Mondays

    • it’s really ironic that we make great advices but we can’t follow them ourselves, I am one of those people too! The thing is I really really want to read the book but I don’t have the choice but to set it aside first because of academic books T_T but i think it’s better to read one book in a week than nothing at all πŸ™‚ i just hope that I can achieve my goal this year which is to read 100 books πŸ˜€

    • Very true, I’m finishing a degree right now too and I’m forced to make my schoolwork a priority. It sucks but oh well. Good luck with your goal! πŸ™‚ I’m sure you’ll reach it.

    • I used to finish three of four books a week T_T that’s how much time I used to have.
      I have a goal of reading 100 books this year and I’m halfway through so I don’t want to fall behind and not complete my goal, I’ve gone this far πŸ˜€

I read every comment you make and I will try to respond to each of them